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Uniper SE is a publicly listed energy company headquartered in Germany with operations and assets in Europe, Russia and North America. In 2019, its revenue was US$73.83 billion and installed capacity was 34.35 GW. It manages coal, gas, hydro, oil and nuclear generation assets. Uniper's ongoing focus since its spin-off from E.ON in 2016 has been fossil fuels. Of the European companies in the sample, Uniper has the third highest emissions intensity.

Ranking position
Total score
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-50)


2.5 / 4 #8

Material Investment

2.2 / 7 #28

Intangible Investment

0.1 / 2 #15


1.4 / 4 #25

Policy Engagement

0.4 / 1 #26

Business Model

0.8 / 2 #38
Total score 7.3 / 20 #25

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities


Uniper is awarded a trend score of =. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely stay the same. Uniper’s emissions intensity is projected to increase due to a large coal asset coming online in Europe and new gas assets in Europe and Russia, meaning the company will fall further behind its low-carbon pathway. Uniper’s planned emissions already take it above its well below 2-degree carbon budget. However, the company’s new strategy represents a significant step-change in its decarbonisation approach. Short-term investments to support the delivery of this strategy can improve the low-carbon alignment of Uniper’s business model.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Düsseldorf, Germany
Ownership structure
Publicly listed
Group revenue
US$73.83 billion (2019)
Installed capacity
34.35 GW (2019)