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Engie SA is a publicly listed multinational energy company headquartered in France with operations and assets in nearly 70 countries. In 2019, its revenue was US$67.44 billion and installed capacity was 104.3 GW. Engie has activities in fossil fuel power, nuclear energy and gas and is the largest provider of wind and solar energy in France. It is making progress on its low-carbon transition but is relying on divesting its dirtiest sources and on unproven social and technological changes.

Ranking position
Total score
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-50)


1.9 / 4 #18

Material Investment

3.8 / 7 #13

Intangible Investment

1.1 / 2 #1


2.2 / 4 #16

Policy Engagement

0.8 / 1 #3

Business Model

2.0 / 2 #1
Total score 11.7 / 20 #2

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


Engie is awarded a trend score of =. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely stay the same. The long gap to Engie’s next target in 2050 is too far off, and an 85% emissions reduction target is not ambitious enough. Although the company is investing heavily in renewables and is aiming for 50% of its portfolio to be renewables by 2030, there is still too much reliance on gas, and current progress is less than required by a well-below 2-degree-compatible pathway. Engie is currently undergoing a refocusing and rationalising process, but it is too early to say how this will inform its low-carbon transition.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Paris, France
Ownership structure
Publicly listed, with 23.6% owned by the government of France
Group revenue
US$67.44 billion (2019)
Installed capacity
104.3 GW (2019)