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Électricité de France (EDF)

Électricité de France SA (EDF) is a publicly listed electricity company headquartered in France, with 88.9% of the voting rights held by the French state. It has a presence in 42 countries, including in West Africa, Latin America and Southern and South-East Asia. In 2019, its revenue was US$80.03 billion and installed capacity was 122.3 GW. EDF has a very high concentration of nuclear power (78% of generation in 2018). Some of these nuclear fleet assets are due to be decommissioned in the 2020s (in Belgium, the UK and France).

Ranking position
Total score
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-50)


1.9 / 4 #18

Material Investment

2.3 / 7 #24

Intangible Investment

0.9 / 2 #4


2.4 / 4 #14

Policy Engagement

0.9 / 1 #2

Business Model

1.8 / 2 #9
Total score 10.0 / 20 #5

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


EDF is awarded a trend score of =. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely remain about the same. The aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 is not ambitious enough to align the company with its well-below 2-degree scenario pathway. EDF needs very rapidly to reach zero emissions per unit of power generated – and even achieve net-negative emissions. It has committed to set an SBTi approved 1.5 degree compatible target within the next 24 months. With 89% of its 2018 capacity in Europe, changes in EDF’s short- to mid-term emissions are strongly impacted by the tightening EU regulatory environment. The French state holds ~89% of the company’s share capital and voting rights, so the company’s decarbonisation strategy reflects French national policy.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Paris, France
Ownership structure
Publicly listed, with 88.9% of the voting rights held by the French state
Group revenue
US$80.03 billion (2019)
Installed capacity
122.3 GW (2019)